Homework Policy

  • "The homework policy of our school is designed to strengthen our students’ grasp on academic concepts and to apply their knowledge on a practical use case. Often, homework is assigned in the form of research work to make them think out of the box.

  • For classes IV to VII, daily homework is assigned on no more than three subjects with the time duration of 20 to 30 minutes per subject. For classes VIII to X, three subjects are assigned which require applicatory skills and shouldn’t exceed 30 to 40 minutes per subject. Our teachers design their lesson plans in a way that ensures that a student can complete his/her homework individually and every student receives feedback from their mentors for further improvement."


Remedial Policy

"Remedial support for the students with learning difficulties is being carried out effectively by our “Punyabhadra " Team”. The team consists of a consultant Psychologist, Special educator, Counsellor, and experienced teachers who are handpicked by the management. Children are consistently motivated and given all the possible support to excel in subjects and areas with scope for improvement. Difficult subjects like Mathematics and Science are discussed effectively with the support of ample teaching & learning tools. The improvement of our students is monitored and analyzed systematically.


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