• "The School is equipped with ATAL Tinkering Lab, following the vision of the Central Government to ‘Cultivate Children as Neoteric Innovators’. "
  • "The School fosters curiosity, creativity and imagination in the minds of our students; infuses skills such as design mindset, computational thinking, adaptive learning and physical computing. "
  • "The students in Seshaas are given a workspace where they are able to shape to their ideas on do-it- yourself mode; and find innovative solutions. "
  • "The Lab contains educational and learning kits on Electronics, Computers 3D Printer and all the the necessary gadgets required for developing critical and design thinking."
  • "Our students have participated in State and National Level Competitions and demonstrated their innovative skills and brought fame to the School."

  • "*Seshaas was included in the Top 75 Teams of Sapce Challenge in 2021. One of the Teachers, Mr. Vaisakh Nath from the School was appointed as MOC by ATAL Innovative Mission in May, 2022."

  • "The School was featured as ATL School of the month among all the ATL equipped Schools in India in 2022. In the Young Scientist India Competition, our young Scientsts became the one and only team from Tamilnadu that entered into the Grand Finale. Again in December, 2022 Seshaas was featured as the ATL School of the month. It was in 2023, Seshaas bagged Ist place in ATL Expo conducted by Puthiya Thalamurai."


"The School extends all the possible support to the students to get patents for their innovative ideas as well. In 2023, the first file was submitted for the patent regarding the invention ‘ Book Marker Powered by Flupping PV Panel with Light and Lems Integration”. Followed by this, the file was again submitted for International Patent.."

" The process to obtain Copyrights for the students’ work (4) and a work from one of the teachers is well underway."


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